Welcome to Writer Wednesdays!
Thanks for joining me today on “Writer Wednesdays!”
I am excited to welcome to the blog today Valerie Taylor, author of What’s Not Said. I’m always fascinated to peer into the creative journeys of other writers as I truly believe we are all stronger together. When one of us is down, we can lift each other up. We can dispel the idea of overnight success and share tips for how to achieve the dream of being a published and thriving author.
Where is your writing journey taking you these days?
For me, I have been ripe with ideas, though not with time. Thus is life, am I right? As in life, I see my creativity unfolding in seasons. Perhaps now is the time for jotting down ideas, planting seeds, and soon the time for toiling in the garden will come… to mix my metaphors! Ha!
Thank you for being here and thank you for reading!
Author Interview:
Valerie Taylor
When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Many years ago in elementary school, I dipped my toe in the writer’s pool. In fifth grade, I wrote a story about traveling to Mars, entered it into a short story contest, and won! And then around the same time, a policeman was shot to death in our town. A classmate and I collected donations for his family, and then I wrote a story for the local newspaper. In high school, I was an editor for the school paper. All of this motivated me to go to Journalism school at the University of Missouri, though I ended up staying for just a year due to family commitments. Throughout my career that followed, I penned and edited far too many marketing and communications programs for corporate entities to mention. I think the need to write is in my DNA.
Who were the authors that influenced you as a youth, and in what ways?
Given my obsession with mysteries as a child, you’d think I’d write whodunits today. Growing up I read mostly Agatha Christie and Nancy Drew. I just googled Nancy Drew and discovered the books were ghostwritten by several authors and published under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene. I didn’t know that! In my teen years and even now, one of my favorite authors is Stephen King, mostly because I’m amazed at his crazy creative mind and incredible storytelling. I’ve become an ardent Ernest Hemingway fan. He’s motivated me to try to write that one perfect sentence. I’m still trying.
How did it feel when you got to hold your very first advanced copy of your book?
On the one hand, I did a happy dance—a real live book with my name blazoned across the bottom. Life doesn’t get much better, except when you’re holding a newborn baby. Yet, the box with my ARCs arrived just several weeks after the pandemic started here in Connecticut, and the fear of contracting it through touch was being pounded into our brains. When UPS delivered the box, I let it sit outside for three or four hours, and then with gloves on, I brought the box into my garage and left it there to decontaminate for five days. Honestly, what should have been a Christmas-morning moment turned out muted, understated. Not at all what I’d imagined. After the box-quarantine ended, I donned my new “Namaste six feet away” t-shirt, and my daughter came by for the grand reveal. Having her share it with me made it extra-special. I’m hoping for more fanfare when I receive the ARCs of the sequel, WHAT’S NOT TRUE, in the spring of 2021.
What was the inspiration behind your book?
Though technically women’s fiction, I often refer to WHAT’S NOT SAID as chick lit for the mature woman. Did you know there are millions of mature women (nearly ten million in Canada and 75 million in the United States) looking for stories with relatable characters? These are the women who inspired me to write this book. And apparently, I’ve struck a chord. More than one reviewer remarked something along the lines of it’s “…refreshing to read a book with characters that not in their 20s.” So I ask readers to consider, “Why can’t an older woman be with a younger man? Wouldn’t the movie Something’s Gotta Give have been more fun if Diane Keaton rode off with Keanu Reeve instead of Jack Nicholson?”
What was your publishing journey like?
Once I typed THE END on the last page of my manuscript, I sketched out a publishing plan. Given my age, I was impatient to pursue the traditional route indefinitely. I gave myself four months of aggressively querying agents and decided if nothing happened, I’d self-publish. Some agents nibbled, and I received one contract that I turned down. Half way through that process, I submitted the book to She Writes Press (SWP). Just as I was about to switch gears and begin the self-publishing process, SWP accepted my manuscript.
As an independent publisher, SWP is my best choice, especially considering my timing. If I’d signed with an agent, I would’ve had to wait until they sold the book…if they were able to sell it…to an editor/publisher. All of that could’ve taken another few years that I wasn’t willing to dedicate to that one project. SWP is a collaborative partnership, where my input is valued. Distribution is seamless and wide across all book selling markets, and the books they choose for their catalog meet consistent high quality standards. I happily found my author tribe and will be publishing the sequel, WHAT’S NOT TRUE, with SWP in 2021.
What advice do you have for aspiring young novelists?
I have four pieces of advice for aspiring young novelists.
- Don’t put it off. If you have an idea that keeps swirling in your mind, go for it. Enroll in writing classes. There are many online courses, either about writing novels, in general, or genre-specific. Get recommendations before you key in your credit card.
- Know yourself. Do some critical, honest self-evaluation. What are your writing strengths and weaknesses? Share your strengths with other aspiring novelists; seek out others to help you overcome your weaknesses. Ask for and be open to feedback. It’s hard at first, but it gets easier, believe me.
- Be willing to dedicate time and energy. You’ll find writing the book is the easy, least consuming, part. Deciding on your publishing path, pursuing it, and then managing the publicity all take more time than you could ever imagine. Publishers today are not footing the bill for marketing and promotion. Authors are. Social media and virtual events have become king now, especially with the pandemic.
- Read, read, read. Most likely you lean toward a favorite genre. Yes, it’s important to immerse yourself in those authors. But read a book totally opposite your normal taste. You’ll be amazed what you discover and how it benefits you as an author.
If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?
Okay, I had to google this one. Did you know there are 20 popular superpowers? Who wouldn’t want to possess “intangibility” and walk through walls, especially if you need to break into that grocery store to get the last roll of toilet paper during a pandemic? What about “immortality”? If you could pick one age to be, say 45, and then never grow old, would you? Not sure I’d like that. Nevertheless, it is “flight” that has always intrigued me from my earliest recollections. I’ve dreamt I was flying high above everyone else, above even the tallest buildings, above stalled traffic on the way to work, or fleeing an enemy on my heels. I could get places safely and fast, without a speeding ticket. That works.
Where is your favorite travel destination?
What is the saying? Location, location, location? I say, “Italy, Italy, Italy.” Don’t get me started about how the coronavirus has impacted this incredible country! I’ll start crying and never stop. In 2016 after I retired I went to Cortona, Florence, Venice, and Rome partly solo, partly with a tour group. Then in 2019, I returned to Venice and then jumped on a cruise ship to explore Montenegro, Dubrovnik, and two Greek islands. Don’t yell at me about the cruise ship. It went against my better judgement, but Venice was calling my name again, and I had to do it. I’m an author, right? Write!! Research? Right. I did cry on the bus on the way to the Venice airport on my flight back to New York. Somehow I envisioned I may never get a chance to be back to a city or town whose very essence I feel in my blood. Talk about superpowers?!
When you’re not writing, what are your favorite hobbies?
First, let me tell you what I don’t do. I have a black thumb, so I don’t garden, and the plants are grateful for that. I can’t play any kind of instrument, unless you consider Spotify some kind of musical instrument. I have no artistic talent, drawing, painting or otherwise, though I did take a drawing class back in 2001 and sketched a nude dude. That was fun. How about cooking? I do it to survive, not as a hobby.
Now, let me tell you what I am interested in. Sports! No, I don’t play anything. But I do walk often and enjoy practicing tai chi. I consider myself an “expert sports spectator.” My love for American football and baseball began in seventh grade when my boyfriend, later first husband and then first ex-husband, played both sports. But I also love to watch basketball, hockey, and yes, even golf. Not a big soccer fan, though.
Bottom line, if I had the superpower to relive my life, I would be a sportscaster. Maybe one of the first women actually in the booth. Now wouldn’t that have been a hoot?!
Where can people find you online?
Thank you, Alexis Marie, for inviting me into your blog. And thank you to everyone who has read this interview. I’d love to have you join me in my journey as I launch WHAT’S NOT SAID and expand the series.
Please contact me at: www.valerietaylorauthor.com
Or follow me:
Twitter: @ValerieEMTaylor
Instagram ValerieETaylor
About the Book:
Book Details:
Book Title: What’s Not Said by Valerie Taylor
Category: Adult Fiction (18 yrs +), 316 pages
Genre: Women’s Fiction, Chick Lit
Publisher: She Writes Press
Release date: Sept 15, 2020
Format available for review: print, and NetGalley Download (mobi for kindle, epub, pdf)
Will send print books out: USA
Tour dates: Sep 28 to Oct 16, 2020
Content Rating: PG-13 + M. WHAT’S NOT SAID is rated
PG-13+M because of four F-words, moderate cussing, two explicit sex
scenes, and a couple of implicit sex scenes.
Book Description:
In WHAT’S NOT SAID, we meet Kassie O’Callaghan, a middle-aged woman who’s on a mission to divorce her emotionally abusive husband and start a new life with a younger man she met while on a solo vacation in Venice. When she learns her husband has chronic kidney disease, her plans collapse until she pokes around his pajama drawer and discovers his illness is the least of his deceits. Then again, Kassie is no angel. As she struggles to justify her own indiscretions, the separate lives they lead collide head-on into a tangled web of sex, lies, and DNA. Still, mindful of her vows, Kassie commits to helping her husband find an organ donor. In the process, she uncovers a life-changing secret. Problem is, if she reveals it, her own immorality will be exposed, forcing her to decide whose life to save—her husband’s or her own.
WHAT’S NOT SAID (She Writes Press) is Valerie Taylor’s debut novel. Its sequel, WHAT’S NOT TRUE (She Writes Press), will be published in the fall of 2021. While WHAT’S NOT SAID is the first installment of a series, it is written and can be read as a stand-alone novel.
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Valerie Taylor was born and raised in Stamford, Connecticut. She earned a B.S. Marketing degree and an MBA from Sacred Heart University, as well as a graduate certificate in health care administration from Simmons University (formerly Simmons College). She had a thirty-year career in the financial services industry as a marketer and writer. After her divorce, she spread her wings and relocated her career to Boston and then to Seattle. When she retired, she resettled in her home state to be near her two grown children and granddaughter. She’s a published book reviewer with BookTrib.com; and a member of Westport Writers’ Workshop, Independent Book Publishers Association, and Women’s Fiction Writers Association. She enjoys practicing tai chi and being an expert sports spectator. WHAT’S NOT SAID (She Writes Press) is her debut novel. Its sequel, WHAT’S NOT TRUE (She Writes Press), will be published in the fall of 2021.
connect with the author: website ~ twitter ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ goodreads
Tour Schedule:
Sep 28 – Welcome To MLM Opinion’s Reviews – book review
Sep 29 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – book spotlight / giveaway
Sep 30 – Pick a Good Book – book review / giveaway
Oct 1 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Oct 1– Literary Flits – book spotlight / giveaway
Oct 2 – A Mama’s Corner of the World – book review / spotlight
Oct 5 – All Booked Up Reviews – book review
Oct 6 – Thoughts on This ‘n That – book review / author interview / giveaway
Oct 6 – Stephanie Jane – book spotlight / giveaway
Oct 7 – Alexis Marie Chute Blog – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Oct 7 – On My Book Shelf – book review / giveaway
Oct 7 – I’m Into Books – book spotlight
Oct 8 – Rajiv’s Reviews – book review
Oct 8 – Books for Books – book spotlight
Oct 9 – Sefina Hawke’s Books – book spotlight
Oct 9 – Cheryl’s Book Nook – book review / guest post / giveaway
Oct 12 – Momfluenster – book spotlight / giveaway
Oct 13 – eBook Addicts – book spotlight / giveaway
Oct 13 – Falling Into A Good Book – book review
Oct 14 – Book Lover In Florida – book review / giveaway
Oct 14 – 411 ON BOOKS, AUTHORS, AND PUBLISHING NEWS – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Oct 14 – Celticlady’s Reviews – book spotlight / giveaway
Oct 14 – Novels N Latte Review – book review / giveaway
Oct 14 – Books and Zebras @jypsylynn – book review
Oct 15 – Jazzy Book Reviews – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Oct 15 – Amy’s Booket List – book review / giveaway
Oct 16 – melanatedreader – book spotlight
Oct 16 – Adventurous Jessy – book review / giveaway
Oct 16 – fundinmental – book spotlight / giveaway
Enter the Giveaway:
Exhibitions Featuring Artwork by Alexis Marie Chute

“Healing 13” Photography by Alexis Marie Chute
Perspectives From Within
CARFAC Alberta will be reopening to the public at the beginning of October. The juried exhibition Perceptions from Within (Art and Mental Wellness Juried Exhibition) opens to the public on Thursday October 8. will be on view for the months of October, November and December. This exhibition is a partnership between OBAD (Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorders) and CARFAC Alberta and was coordinated by Dick Averns. The artists featured in this exhibition are:
- Alexis Marie Chute
- Christian Peres Gibaut
- Natalie Lauchlan
- Riisa Gundesen
- Father Douglas
- Zana Wensel
- Maren Kathleen Elliot
- Krista Acheson
- Wes Bell
In early October, CARFAC Alberta will be open to the public (capacity of 3) three days per week (Thursdays to Saturdays) between 11am and 3pm.
The CARFAC Alberta Project Space • 3rd Floor, 10215 112 St. Edmonton.
780.421.1731 • carfacalberta.com

Artwork by award-winning Canadian artist Alexis Marie Chute
Learn more: Multicultural Heritage Centre
5411 – 51 Street, Stony Plain, AB, T7Z 1X7
Contact for pop-up cafe dates and viewing hours: (780) 963-2777 or info@multicentre.org
Exhibitions Curated by Alexis Marie Chute
Learn more: Multicultural Heritage Centre Exhibit Schedule
Watch current and past virtual exhibitions on the Multicultural Heritage Centre YouTube channel.
Learn more: Women’s Art Museum of Canada.
Watch the virtual exhibition and artist features on the Women’s Art Museum of Canada YouTube channel.
Submission Deadline: October 13, 2020
Submission Fee: $48 CAN per submission
How to Submit: Complete the submission form at the bottom of this page www.alexismariechute.com/curation-call-for-submissions
Acceptance Notification: October 16, 2020
Artwork Received by Curator: October 26, 2020
Artwork Instillation: November 1, 2020
Exhibit Dates: November 2, 2020—January 29, 2021
Virtual Exhibition Premier: TBD
Artist Feature Premiers: TBD
Artwork Striking: January 30, 2021
Exhibit Description:
‘Still life’ is an artist genre of artfully arranged inanimate objects often on a table or other surface. They can include fruit and other food, wine, goblets and vases, skulls, fabric, flowers, books, instruments, and more. The way these objects are arranged is often as interesting and meaningful as they way they are captured, in paint, photograph, sketch, or sculpture. This 16th century genre has endured the test of time with contemporary artists creating new artwork that celebrates and modernizes the style. Artists in “The Artful Arrangement: Modern Still Life” present their unique techniques in this age-old genre.
To learn more about still life paintings over the course of art history, read: “How Artists Have Kept Still Life Painting Alive Over Thousands of Years” by Kelly Richman-Abdou, on My Modern Met.
Submission Deadline: November 16, 2020
Submission Fee: $48 CAN per submission
How to Submit: Complete the submission form on www.infocusphoto.ca/infocus-submission
Acceptance Notification: November 20, 2020
Artwork Received by Curator: January 25, 2021
Artwork Instillation: January 31, 2021
Exhibit Dates: February 1—April 9, 2021
Virtual Exhibition Premier: TBD
Artist Feature Premiers: TBD
Artwork Striking: April 10, 2021
Exhibit Description:
Borrowing the title of Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World, this photographic exhibition captures the world we are living in today. InFocus 2021 photographers present their take on major world issues, how life in Canada is impacted, the good and the bad, the tragic and the hopeful. Does modern life fit a dystopian model, or are we on the brink of a new, more peaceful, healthy, happy age? What is our place in the world and how do we make sense of self amidst our rapidly changing ways of life? From COVID-19 to politics to social and environmental issues, “InFocus Photo Exhibit: Brave New World” is a 2021 must-see Canadian exhibition.
More information about InFocus Photo Exhibit & Awards please click here.
The photographers selected for InFocus 2021 will display photographs that speak to these ideas:
1. Is modern life a dystopian reality, or are we on the brink of a new, more peaceful, healthy, happy age?
2. What is our place in the world and how do we make sense of self amidst our rapidly changing ways of life?
3. What does the world—specifically Canada—look like in the light of a global pandemic, race issues, and environmental change?
4. How has photography developed as a creative and documentary medium in our times?
5. How can one person make a difference? How do many come together for change?
“BRAVE NEW WORLD” is a theme that speaks to a broad spectrum of subject matters and styles, including fine art, portraiture, nature, urban landscapes, editorial, commercial, conceptual, documentary, journalistic, social commentary, travel, multi-medium, three dimensional, and beyond.
By award-winning artist-photographer Alexis Marie Chute
Book Autumn Family Photos Now
Limited Time
Colourful. Creative… and just a little silly.
Alexis Marie Chute is an Edmonton, Alberta, Canada based photographer with two decades of experience.
Family photography sessions $390 CAN + GST and include high resolution digital images for 1 hour photo shoot.
Contact: info@alexismariechute.com or 1-780-499-4311.

Photography by award-winning Edmonton photographer Alexis Marie Chute

Photography by award-winning Edmonton photographer Alexis Marie Chute
Wedding Photography
It’s Art
Joyful. Unique. Fun. Memorable. Modern.
Alexis Marie Chute is an Edmonton, Alberta, Canada based wedding photographer with two decades of experience.
Wedding photography packages begin at $6500 CAN + GST and include high resolution digital images and second-photographer.
Contact: info@alexismariechute.com or 1-780-499-4311.
Booking one to two years in advance.

Photography by award-winning Edmonton photographer Alexis Marie Chute

Photography by award-winning Edmonton photographer Alexis Marie Chute

Photography by award-winning Edmonton photographer Alexis Marie Chute

Photography by award-winning Edmonton photographer Alexis Marie Chute
The 8th Island Trilogy includes Above the Star, Below the Moon, and Inside the Sun. Over the three books, we follow the adventures of a quirky family, the Wellsleys. The main characters are frumpy senior citizen Archie, his daughter-in-law, Tessa, and his ill fourteen-year-old granddaughter Ella.
Archie, searching for his missing son, accidentally transports his family—and a cruise ship full of people—to a magical planet. There, they uncover the truth: all worlds are dying. Yet hope is not lost. A way to restore all that will soon be destroyed is revealed, along with the realization that Ella will play a role no one could have imagined—especially not her.
On the mysterious island of Jarr-Wya, many races of creatures battle for dominion and magic lurks around every corner. When the world falls dark, that is when bravery must shine the brightest, and the Wellsleys will reveal the strength they never knew they possessed—as well as the power of love to save the day.
Click here to order a signed set from the author!
Below the Moon E-Book Sale!
OCTOBER 16 – 26, 2020
Kindle, Nook, and Google Play (U.S. only)
Click here to order now: NOOK | Kindle (USA) | Google Play
With Alexis Marie Chute
Thank you for joining me for Writer Wednesdays!
If you are a writer/author of any genre and would like to pitch yourself for an interview, please email me at info@alexismariechute.com
Catch you next week!