Welcome to Writer Wednesdays!
Welcome to Writer Wednesdays! Today I am happy to welcome to my blog fellow SparkPress author Meryl Ain and her novel The Takeaway Men. I hope you enjoy her Q&A!
Thanks for reading!!
Author Interview
Meryl Ain
When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I wanted to be a writer ever since I was in kindergarten and I saw my mother at the typewriter. She was writing a book about being in the U.S. Army during World War II. This was a very powerful image for me. I used to imagine bringing a copy of the book with a red leather cover to my teacher. Although it was never published, my mother inspired me to write my own stories from a very young age. In third grade, I wrote a poem about Teachers’ Recognition Day that was published in the school newspaper. I was a reporter on my high school newspaper. And I’ve been writing ever since.
Who were the authors that influenced you as a youth, and in what ways?
I loved Louisa May Alcott. In fact, I have the girls in my novel reading Little Women and playacting scenes from the book with their dolls. As a child, that’s what I used to do with my friends. I was influenced and inspired by Alcott’s characters. Each of the sisters was real and believable to me. I was happy when things worked out for Jo and I cried uncontrollably when Beth died. I remember wanting more and my mother also gave me Little Men to read. A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens, also had a great impact on me. That was probably the first work of historical fiction I read in junior high and again, I was totally swept up in the time, place, and emotions of the characters. That made me cry also.
How did it feel when you got to hold your very first advanced copy of your book?
It was an amazing feeling. Although I already had two non-fiction books published, for years I thought that writing a novel was something I couldn’t do. Holding it in my hands felt like the fulfillment of a dream. It also gave me a great sense of empowerment that if you put your mind to something, there’s a world of possibility out there.
What was the inspiration behind your book(s)?
The Diary of Anne Frank, which I read as a sixth grade student, was an enormous influence in my life and set off a life-long obsession with the Holocaust and its impact. I have been studying and researching it ever since. It all finally culminated in my writing The Takeaway Men, which follows survivors after World War II. In addition to my reading and research, we had a close family friend, who was a survivor. In addition, a number of my friends are children of survivors. I’ve spoken to them for endless hours and learned that theirs is a very complicated, layered story that needed to be told. Although there are many Holocaust novels, there are few that tell this story of intergenerational trauma.
What was your publishing journey like?
My publishing journey was completely different with The Takeaway Men than it was with my two non-fiction books, The Living Memories Project: Legacies That Last and its companion workbook, My Living Memories Project Journal. I worked with two different agents over a two-year period. After many unfulfilled promises and “almosts,” we found a small independent publisher in Ohio. Once The Takeaway Men was ready for submission, I researched agents as well as other options open to me. I spoke to a couple of authors who had books published by SparkPress, which is a hybrid publisher, an imprint of SheWrites Press. They reported that they had a positive experience. I made the decision that I didn’t want to invest two years in finding an agent and rising and falling on each communication from her. I decided to try SparkPress and they accepted my submission. It was a great decision for me. The experience has been very positive and they not only do a great job with producing the book, but also provide extensive support and educational opportunities. Not only do I have a published novel, but I’ve learned a tremendous amount about book publishing.
What advice do you have for aspiring young novelists?
Believe in yourself and your work. Stay with it. Try to write at least 500 words, five days a week. Be open to constructive criticism. My book has been edited numerous times and I know it’s now a better book because of it. But don’t let negative or jealous critics get to you. Ignore them. If more than one person makes a suggestion, think about it. You don’t have to follow all of the suggestions, only the ones with which you are comfortable. And understand, that there is no such thing as an overnight success. I’ve been writing forever and this is my first novel and I’m a grandmother!
If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?
I would want to cure the world of pain, suffering and hunger.
Where is your favorite travel destination?
With the pandemic, I don’t have any travel plans now. We usually like to go to San Francisco several times a year to see our son and his family.
When you’re not writing, what are your favorite hobbies?
I used to say writing was my hobby. Actually, my primary career for many years was as a career educator. I taught history and also worked as a school administrator. So my knee jerk reaction to this question was writing, but I guess now as a novelist, writing is no longer just a hobby. I enjoy reading, walking, and spending time with my children and grandchildren.
Where can people find you online?
Website: Website: merylain.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/MerylAinAuthor/
Twitter: @DrMerylAin
Instagram: @meryl_ain
About the Book
Book Details:
Book Title: The Takeaway Men by Meryl Ain
Category: Adult fiction 18 yrs +, 264 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Sparkpress
Release date: August 4, 2020
Content Rating: PG-13 + M because there are references to extra-marital affairs. There is no explicit sex in the book.
Book Description:
With the cloud of the Holocaust still looming over them, twin sisters Bronka and Johanna Lubinski and their parents arrive in the US from a Displaced Persons Camp. In the years after World War II, they experience the difficulties of adjusting to American culture as well as the burgeoning fear of the Cold War. Years later, the discovery of a former Nazi hiding in their community brings the Holocaust out of the shadows. As the girls get older, they start to wonder about their parents’ pasts, and they begin to demand answers. But it soon becomes clear that those memories will be more difficult and painful to uncover than they could have anticipated. Poignant and haunting, The Takeaway Men explores the impact of immigration, identity, prejudice, secrets, and lies on parents and children in mid-twentieth-century America.
Meryl Ain’s articles and essays have appeared in Huffington Post, The New York Jewish Week, The New York Times, Newsday and other publications. The Takeaway Men is her debut novel. In 2014, she co-authored the award-winning book, The Living Memories Project: Legacies That Last, and in 2016, wrote a companion workbook, My Living Memories Project Journal. She is a sought-after speaker and has been interviewed on television, radio, and podcasts. She is a career educator and is proud to be both a teacher and student of history. She has also worked as a school administrator. The Takeaway Men is the result of her life-long quest to learn more about the Holocaust, a thirst that was first triggered by reading The Diary of Anne Frank in the sixth grade. While teaching high school history, she introduced her students to the study of the Holocaust. At the same time, she also developed an enduring fascination with teaching about and researching the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case. An interview with Robert Meeropol, the younger son of the Rosenbergs, is featured in her book, The Living Memories Project. The book also includes an interview with Holocaust survivor, Boris Chartan, the founder of the Holocaust Museum and Tolerance Center of Nassau County, New York. Meryl holds a BA from Queens College, an MA from Teachers College, Columbia University, and an Ed.D. from Hofstra University. She lives in New York with her husband, Stewart. They have three married sons and six grandchildren.
Connect with the author: Website ~ Facebook ~ Twitter ~ Instagram
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A Mini Book Review
The Takeaway Men by author Meryl Ain is an adult historical fiction novel beginning in 1942 with the prologue and spanning to 1962. The story encompasses the lingering aftermath of World War II; how the war may have ended, but it’s effects live on for many generations to follow.
This is not a genre I’d usually read, but I’m always open to trying something new. I’ve studied the this time period and the Holocaust in grade school and learned more through documentary films watched as an adult, however The Takeaway Men made it all real in a very personal way as we readers follow Ain’s complex characters. Complex, dynamic, and interesting studies on their own. Together, they bring the intergenerational grief and trauma to life in a way I have never read before.
What makes this book so special is that it encompasses such a long span of time that we can fall in love with the characters, get invested in their lives, and see how their experiences shape them, for better or worse. As a Canadian, I found this novel particularly illuminating on the challenges of American life for immigrants.
The writing style flows across the page and I found myself flying through this book, devouring it and all its savory details. It was like experiencing another person—so different from myself—in an intimate way, as if a close confidant and even closer, knowing their thoughts and struggles. It is obvious that countless hours of research went into this book.
I recommend The Takeaway Men for fans of the historical novel genre and for those who enjoy trying something new.
Call for Submissions
“Word-and-Image: Creative Crossovers”
Books are not only for words and canvases not only for paint. Experience how words and visual art collide to create innovative creative crossovers that touch us on multiple levels. Relationships between words, art, and meaning are explored.
Details and Application
Important Dates:
Apply by Monday, August 10, 2020.
Acceptance confirmation by Monday, August 24, 2020.
Exhibition dates: September 16 – November 4, 2020.
More calls for submissions from the Multicultural Heritage Centre: www.multicentre.org/call-for-submissions
Follow the virtual book tour!
Inside the Sun holds readers breathless as the fate of all worlds is held in a delicate balance between life and oblivion. At the heart of the story is the Wellsley family who learn bravery despite where they come from, how old they are, and the burdens they bear. The Star may have come for a purpose, but the mystery only deepens and sacrifice is required to save the day.
Order Book Three in The 8th Island Trilogy:
Ebook: NOOK | Kindle (USA) | Kindle (CAN) | Kobo
Paperback: Indie Bound | Amazon.com | Amazon.ca |
Barns & Noble | Book Depository | Bookshop.org | Author’s Shop
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Thank you for joining me for Writer Wednesdays!
If you are a writer/author of any genre and would like to pitch yourself for an interview, please email me at info@alexismariechute.com
Catch you next week!