Welcome to Writer Wednesdays!
Today I have the pleasure of welcoming Barbara Linn Probst to Writer Wednesdays. She is a fellow She Writes Press author, the publisher who released my memoir Expecting Sunshine: A Journey of Grief, Healing and Pregnancy After Loss in 2017 and the second edition in 2019. Barbara’s book is called Queen of Owls. I hope you enjoy learning more about this fascinating and gripping book.
Thanks for reading!!
Author Interview
Barbara Linn Probst
When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I love this question so much, because I wrote my first “book” when I was only seven years old 🙂
It was called At Home with Us and it even had illustrations! I’ve written my whole life. I can remember curling up in our screened porch of muggy summer days and writing chapter books when I was in grade school … poetry and endless journals when I was in junior high school … short stories later on … nonfiction, later in my career, when I became a therapist for parents struggling to raise an out-of-the-box child.
Who were the authors that influenced you as a young girl, and in what ways?
As a girl, I loved Nancy Drew, the Melendy Family, Half Magic by Edward Eager, and stories about girls who pushed the borders of what people thought they should be. I was always drawn to female protagonists, especially those who were a bit prickly. I think that’s where I developed my interest in complex women struggling with issues that don’t have simple answers.
How did it feel when you got to hold your very first advance copy of your book?
It was an absolute thrill! I loved the cover so much and was so glad the designer had talked me into it. Can you believe that I hated it at first? Boy, was I wrong! People have told me that they would have bought Queen of the Owls just for its cover!
What was the inspiration behind your book?
As you know, Queen of the Owls is the story of a woman’s search for her true self, framed around the art and life of iconic American painter Georgia O’Keeffe. People have asked if I was an O’Keeffe aficionado before I wrote the book, and the answer is no! I knew very little about her, other than the fact that her paintings drew me in a powerful way. The inspiration for the book was really my personal journey as someone who had always defined herself by her intellect (bookworm, brain, “owl”) and had to learn to embrace a fuller, embodied, beautiful self. I wanted to bring that message to all women. The book is fiction, but its emotional essence comes from my own experience. It’s so timely, and yet it’s timeless too.
What was your publishing journey like?
Unlike most writers, I did not spend years querying agents and trying to get a publisher to accept me. I was in the fortunate position of having the time, resources, and temperament to “green light” myself and straight to the extraordinary She Writes Press—the visionary, industry-disrupting, all-female hybrid press whose authors have won more than a thousand awards. She Writes was a perfect fit for me and allowed me to move forward swiftly to launch a debut novel that has garnered accolade after accolade, including several awards of its own and notice in places like Parade Magazine, Working Mother, Entertainment Weekly, and Pop Sugar. It’s been a wonderful launching pad, and I’m doing it again in April 2021 with my second book.
What advice do you have for aspiring young novelists?
“Advice” is a tricky subject, because what works for one person won’t work for another. But I do believe that you have to have a great story to tell, one that you feel needs you to tell it. It really has to matter deeply to you—everything comes from that. And then, you need the maturity and openness to be able learn from the tough love of smart people who are kind enough to want you to grow and become better. Read “up”—that is, read great writing. Finally, be genuinely interested in people and in life. That’s where your most authentic material will come from.
Where is your favorite travel destination?
Sigh. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to travel again? I’ve been fortunate to have traveled all over—literally! From Turkey to Egypt and Israel, Costa Rica to Spain, Scotland to Italy, as well as the places in the American Southwest where Georgia O’Keeffe lived and worked, while I did background research for Queen of the Owls. I’m longing to return to Iceland, which is the setting for my book-in-progress, and hopefully I’ll be able to do that before too long 🙂
When you’re not writing, what are your favorite hobbies?
I’m what they call a “serious amateur pianist” and study classical piano with an amazing teacher!
I’m also a serious cook, with my own herb garden, and love to travel and hike.
Where can people find you online?
The best place to learn all about me, my books, and my zany eclectic life is on my website, which I’m constantly updating. www.BarbaraLinnProbst.com
I’m also active on Facebook, under Barbara Linn Probst.
About the Book

Join us for this tour from Sep 9 to Sep 25, 2020!
Book Details:
Book Title: Queen of the Owls by Barbara Linn Probst
Category: Adult Fiction (18 +), 307 pages
Genre: Upmarket Women’s Fiction
Publisher: She Writes Press
Release date: April 2020
Tour dates: Sep 9 to Sep 25, 2020
Content Rating: PG-13: Includes situations and discussions of adult subject matter.
“A must-read” — Barbara Claypole White, best-selling author
“Nuanced and insightful” — Christina Baker Kline, #1 New York Times
best-selling author
A chance meeting with a charismatic photographer will forever change Elizabeth’s life. Until she met Richard, Elizabeth’s relationship with Georgia O’Keeffe and her little-known Hawaii paintings was purely academic. Now it’s personal. Richard tells Elizabeth that the only way she can truly understand O’Keeffe isn’t with her mind―it’s by getting into O’Keeffe’s skin and reenacting her famous nude photos. In the intimacy of Richard’s studio, Elizabeth experiences a new, intoxicating abandon and fullness. It never occurs to her that the photographs might be made public, especially without her consent. Desperate to avoid exposure―she’s a rising star in the academic world and the mother of young children―Elizabeth demands that Richard dismantle the exhibit. But he refuses. The pictures are his art. His property, not hers. As word of the photos spreads, Elizabeth unwittingly becomes a feminist heroine to her students, who misunderstand her motives in posing. To the university, however, her actions are a public scandal. To her husband, they’re a public humiliation. Yet Richard has reawakened an awareness that’s haunted Elizabeth since she was a child―the truth that cerebral knowledge will never be enough. Now she must face the question: How much is she willing to risk to be truly seen and known?
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BARBARA LINN PROBST is a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, living on an historic dirt road in New York’s Hudson Valley. Her debut novel QUEEN OF THE OWLS (April 2020) is the powerful story of a woman’s search for wholeness, framed around the art and life of iconic American painter Georgia O’Keeffe. Endorsed by best-selling authors including Christina Baker Kline and Caroline Leavitt, QUEEN OF THE OWLS was selected as one of the twenty most anticipated books of 2020 by Working Mother, a debut novel “too good to ignore” by Bustle, and “one of the best new novels to read during the quarantine” by Parade Magazine and Entertainment Weekly. It won the bronze medal for popular fiction from the Independent Publishers Association, placed first runner-up in general fiction for the Eric Hoffer Award, and was short-listed for the $2500 Grand Prize. Barbara has a PhD in clinical social work and blogs for several award-winning sites for writers.
Connect with the Author: website ~ facebook ~ instagram ~ goodreads
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If you are a writer/author of any genre and would like to pitch yourself for an interview, please email me at info@alexismariechute.com
Catch you next week!