
The Social Media Seesaw for Writers

Social media is a gift for writers who are now able to directly engage with their readers and promote their work. Yet, it can also become a consuming time-suck and addictive distraction from doing the actual work: writing. It is a hard balance, like the pursuit of all “balance” in life, as to where the line is on how much social networking is really too much.

I myself go back and forth on the social media seesaw, feeling some days like it’s a blessing and others like it’s a curse.


Here is how I manage the double edged sward of social media and get stuff done:

  1. Make lists. I write out everything that is a priority to complete, which often includes a few social responsibilities of my business, such as blogging and twitter. Then I organize myself and my schedule, taking into consideration the most important tasks that need to be done and how much time everything will take. I keep the lists handy to keep myself on track.
  2. I switch off from social networks and focus on the priorities. When I am writing for a magazine or my current book projects or crunching a deadline on whatever I have on the go, I give it my full attention. My phone is my distraction, so I will lock its screen so I can’t log onto social networks, or leave it in another room. It is so important to give whatever you are doing your undivided attention.
  3. Schedule the social. This has been a wonderful timesaver. I write my blogs, schedule when they will be released and on what social networks I wish to share the posts. This keeps me active on all my social platforms every day, even when I am actually being very unsocial and working on my books. Helpful programs like Tweet Deck and Hootsuite are also great at scheduling ahead of time.

Seesaws can be a lot of fun. The same is true with social networks. You may go back and forth on how much you choose to engage those networks, but your presence there is essential. Figure out how to manage the seesaw and you will set yourself up for success.

One on One Art Coaching for Marketing Success

Are you an aspiring artist but get stuck with the next steps after you’ve created your work? You’re not the only one. Many artists are unfamiliar with how to get their work out into the world and effectively market themselves.

I had the benefit of growing up in an entrepreneurial family full of professionals that instilled in me the business focus in any venture. I paired this knowledge with my long experience as a professional artist and my love of helping others. When I coach artists, I offer advice and guidance in these areas:

  • Writing an effective artist statement
  • Applying for exhibitions (and where to find them in the first place)
  • Building a social network platform
  • Applying for funding
  • Photographing your work
  • Applying for Artist Residencies
  • Professional practices for artists
  • Blogging about your work

There are so many creative ways to get your work out of your studio and onto gallery and client walls. It is doable. Attitude and knowledge are key. Having someone to answer your questions will prove invaluable and will help propel you to achieving your goals.

To read more about my art coaching, please click here. Or email me at