
Empowering Belief

In preparing for my MFA application, I sought out references to write letters on my behalf. I was having a morning of self doubt a few days ago and wondered if I should even put the energy into applying. That afternoon I met with one of my professors of creative writing from my BFA days.

I hadn’t seen my professor in over six years but she said she remembered me and agreed to chat over coffee where she ended up holding my two week old son, rocking him to sleep.

She gave valuable advice and insight and the encouragement I needed to believe in myself. Before parting, she said, “I support you in this” and agreed to write me a reference letter.

Belief. Having people in my life that believe in me makes all the difference – especially on days where it seems difficult to believe in myself.

When someone believes in you, self confidence can flourish and anything seems possible. Having a strong support system, a mentor, a source for encouragement is needed on the artist journey. The people who fill these roles in my life are my treasures (thank you!).

I feel empowered to follow my dreams and also be this same positive force in the lives of others. Choosing to believe in someone is free but can be the greatest gift you ever give.