InFocus Exhibit 2016 Photo Submission Q&A
Do you have questions about InFocus Photo Exhibit 2016? We have answers. If you don’t find the answer you are looking for below, please send us an email to, with the subject line: “Question about InFocus 2016.”
InFocus Exhibit 2016 Photo Submission Q&A
Is there a theme for the InFocus Exhibit?
There is no theme or categories for the exhibition. It is an open-theme show which means you may submit photographs of any subject you like. The goal of InFocus is to exhibit the best work by Alberta photographers.
Is there a limit to the number of photographs I can submit?
No. You can submit as many photographic images as you’d like. The cost to enter is $25 per three images. If you want to enter more than three, you may do so in a subsequent entry.
Am I guaranteed to be included in the exhibition?
No. As the goal of InFocus Photo Exhibit is to show the best work from Alberta, and also the fact that our space is limited, only a select number of photographs and photographers will be included. Even if your work is not selected, it may just mean we ran out of space and we strongly encourage you to submit again next year.
Who can submit to InFocus?
Anyone living in Alberta may submit. The competition is open to professionals, amateurs, students and young people.
How will the photographs and photographers be selected?
InFocus is curated by Alexis Marie Chute, BFA, MFA. She will select the images for inclusion from all submissions. She is looking for high quality photography that exhibits the talent and interests of our creative community. Alexis Marie won the prestigious John Poole Award for Promotion of the Arts in 2015 for her work with the inaugural InFocus Exhibit that same year.
Where will the photographs be displayed?
InFocus will be hung in the Edmonton based commercial gallery DC3 Art Projects.
Why is it important that InFocus is a part of Exposure Photography Festival?
2015 was the first year Exposure Photo Festival was province wide. In the past, Exposure only included Calgary, Banff and Canmore. Celebrating the creativity of our entire province sets the bar high and is a strong platform to promote local talent and launch emerging photographers.
When will the exhibition take place?
InFocus will be open to the public for viewing during the DC3 Art Projects gallery hours throughout the entire month of February, 2016. Gallery hours: Wednesdays 12 – 5 pm, Thursdays 12 – 8 pm, Fridays 12 – 5 pm, and Saturdays 11 – 5:30 pm. Other times by appointment.
What is the deadline to submit to InFocus Photo Exhibit?
To be considered for the featured image to represent InFocus in the Exposure magazine, the deadline is OCTOBER 15, 2015. The call for submissions for InFocus will officially close on OCTOBER 31, 2015. Please submit early.
What is the schedule of when photographers will be notified, and when I would need to drop off my work and pick it up?
Please see the official call for submissions page for the InFocus Photo Exhibit schedule.
Do I need to resize my files for submission?
Yes. Please see the InFocus Photo Exhibit technical details on the official call for submissions page.
Does my photograph(s) need to be framed to be accepted?
Your images must be prepared in a professional manner for exhibition. What that means is that they need to be printed at a high quality and either professionally framed or printed on canvas and stretched. No decorative or multi-coloured frames will be accepted. All photographs must be wired for easy hanging. Any work accepted for the exhibition but then delivered without the above listed standards, will be disqualified from the exhibition.
What do you recommend for framing?
Professional framing is always best but professional quality consumer frames will also be accepted. There must be real glass or non-glare Plexiglas, not plastic, used in the framing. Simple black/white/wood frames with mated images are a classic way to present your photograph(s). Please note the type of framing/presentation method chosen when submitting your work.
How much mating should I have around my photographs?
The size of the mat is personal preference and also a consideration of style and impact. It can be visually catching to have a smaller image with a large mat, or no mat around a photograph in a simple frame, for example. Generally, a minimum of two inches of mat around an image will give the photograph room to breathe.
Do you accept mixed media art?
We will accept mixed media art as long as the primary medium is photography. If you have questions about your specific piece, please email Alexis Marie Chute:
What size should I make my photographs for the exhibition?
This is up to you. If you are flexible regarding the size you print your image(s) for the exhibition, please note this in your submission form. Depending on space factors and the number of works to be shown, extremely large photographs may not fit – but this is where the curatorial magic comes in. At the end of the day, size your images to match your vision. Please state the image printed size and the final framing size in your submission.
Why do I need to submit my CV and artist statement?
This information will be printed and available for viewers of the exhibition. This information is often of interest to visitors wishing to purchase a photograph. Things to list on your artist CV that relate to you as a photographer: education, classes, exhibitions, publications, collaborations, memberships, volunteering, grants, etc. If you do not have anything to list in these categories – that’s okay! Maybe InFocus will be your first accolade on your new photography CV. If you do not submit a CV, that is totally fine. Please remember to put your NAME on all word or pdf documents submitted.
What is important to include is your artist statement: This can be as short as a few sentences to a few paragraphs. In your artist statement you can talk about how you got interested in photography, how you take your photographs, why photography is important to you and the meaning behind your work.
Can I submit a series of photographs?
Yes. The whole series may be accepted or only one image, depending on space.
Why is there a fee to submit?
InFocus Photo Exhibit is a volunteer effort and labor of love by the InFocus Team. The fee to submit your photographs goes to the practical aspects of mounting the exhibition. Such expenses include: listing the exhibition in the Exposure magazine, advertising the show, marketing & PR, printing invitations and posters, venue insurance, reception party snacks and wine, small printed programs for the show, web and domain hosting, and competitions.
How do you accept payment?
Payment is made by PayPal, either by a PayPal account or through their system using a credit card. You do not need a PayPal account to pay by PayPal.
Can I sell my photograph(s) displayed during InFocus Photo Exhibit?
Yes! One of the goals of InFocus is to support our local creative talent. All photographers will earn 50% from their sale of their work, as per standard commercial gallery commissions. Gallery staff and InFocus volunteers will strive to sell the photographer’s work and will provide interested buyers with the photographer’s contact information and purchase details.
How can I volunteer for InFocus Photo Exhibit?
InFocus has many volunteer opportunities including: hanging and striking the show, distributing the call for submissions and exhibition posters, manning the show, and setting up for and clean up after the reception, for example. If you would like to sign up to volunteer, first of all: THANK YOU! Please contact Alexis Marie to be added to our volunteer list:
How should I price my photograph(s)?
This is a personal decision. Some things to consider: printing costs, framing costs and your own value as a photographer (your worth should never underestimate yourself). Think about what price you are comfortable selling your work. Please do not value your work too low. If your photography is accepted into InFocus, you may discuss the price with the curator at that time.
What should I list for the date and medium of my photographs?
The date should be listed as the year the image was made. The medium can be something to the effect of “Photograph” or “Photograph on aluminum” or “Mixed-medium Photograph” or “Giclée print” for example.
What is the Curator Talk?
At 7:30pm on Thursday, February 4, 2016, curator Alexis Marie Chute will discuss the ideas and importance behind InFocus Photo Exhibit and Alberta photography, as well share about the images and photographers selected for the show.
When is the reception party taking place?
The InFocus Photo Exhibit opening reception (party!) is on Thursday, February 4, 2016, from 7 – 10pm. There will be live music, snacks and drinks. If you would like an invitation to the reception party, please send your mailing address to RSVP please to help the InFocus Team. All photographers are encouraged to attend and invite their family and friends. It is going to be a great night!
If you have questions not addressed here, please email and you will receive timely answers. Odds are that if you are wondering, others are as well.
Best wishes for submitting to InFocus Photo Exhibit! We look forward to seeing your work!
Click here to read the InFocus Photo Exhibit Call for Submissions.
Click here to Submit to InFocus Photo Exhibit.
Follow us on Twitter: @InfocusPhotoCAN
The InFocus Call for Submissions Opens August 1
InFocus is a celebration of the best in contemporary photography. It is an exhibition and celebration I am honoured to curate, bringing attention to noteworthy image-makers and their work. Last year, InFocus set out to showcase the top photographers from Edmonton. This year, we have expanded the region to include all of Alberta. The bar will be set high as we welcome images from across our diverse province this summer and fall during our call for submissions.
The InFocus exhibition will run the month of February 2016 during Exposure Photography Festival. Photographs selected for InFocus will be exhibited in DC3 Art Projects, a commercial gallery in Edmonton. I am so glad DC3 Art Projects has come on board so our exhibition will run the whole month of February and display the photographers work in such a beautiful space.
InFocus is a great opportunity for photographers! The call for submissions opens on August 1, 2015. I hope you will submit.
Please click here for more information about InFocus.
Subscribe to this blog to receive updates on InFocus.
InFocus Photography Exhibit Update
InFocus 2015 was a huge success that saw over 250 people visit the exhibition at Harcourt House this past February during Exposure Photography Festival. Planning is already underway for InFocus 2016 and over the next ten months new exciting details and opportunities will be revealed! Click here to view the InFocus info page which will be updated regularly. Stay tuned for the call for submissions.

InFocus Photography Exhibition 2015
For now, here is the WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY & HOW for the next InFocus Photography Exhibit:
WHAT: A celebration of the best images and image-makers from across the province of Alberta.
WHEN: February 1 – 29, 2016
WHERE: DC3 Art Projects commercial gallery in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
WHY: “Photography is the medium of our times.” – Exposure Photography Festival
HOW: We will be opening the submissions for InFocus 2016 soon! Please check back here often for updates and submission details. Also, subscribe to the AMC blog to receive notifications. For now, prepare your best work! We look forward to your submissions. Email Alexis Marie with your address to be added to our mailing list.

InFocus Photography Exhibition 2015
Over the next few months I will be sharing guest blog posts by the 2015 InFocus Alumni. They will write about their work and inspiration as photographers and their experience in InFocus. I’m eager to read their stories!
Here are the confirmed photographers who will be guest blogging here on Alexis Marie Art:
Hedy Bach
Gerry Dotto
Curtis Trent
Candace Makowichuk
Robert Pohl
Al Dixon
Martin Snider

InFocus Photography Exhibition 2015
Below you will find contact info to help you stay connected to some of the amazing photographers from our 2015 InFocus exhibit:
Hedy Bach
Company Name: Hedy Bach consulting
Email Address: /
Phone: 780-819-7762
Facebook Page:
Twitter Handle:
Tumblr Page:
Gerry Dotto
Al Dixon
Company Name: Al Dixon Photography
Email Address:
Phone: (780) 915 3674
Facebook Page:
Twitter Handle: @Al_D_Photo
Christopher Shaw
Name: Candace Makowichuk
Company Name: Sunprint Studio
Facebook page:Photography by Candace Makowichuk
twitter: sunprintstudio
Brady Simpson
Akemi Matsubuchi
company: Akemi Matsubuchi Photography
website: (website still under construction)
phone: 780 619-9783
twitter: akemimats
Martin Snider
Company Name: Glovebox Photography
Email Address:
Phone: 780-803-4240
Facebook Page:
Instagram @m.j.r.snider
Kevin Tuong
Company Name: KTB Photography
Website: (Commercial) & (Personal)
Email Address:
Phone: 780-952-1608
Facebook Page:
Twitter Handle: @KevinTuong
Bri Vos
Company Name: Detour Photography
Email Address:
Facebook Page:
Twitter Handle: @detourphoto
Instagram – @detourphoto
Eric Petersen
Email Address:
Phone: 780-266-0003
Twitter Handle: @ericpet
Chan Rin
Company Name: Vivid Ribbon Photography & Design
Phone: 780-266-5162
Twitter: @vivid_ribbon
Instagram: @vividribbon
Karue Wachira
Company Name: Karue Wachira Photography
Email Address:
Phone: 306 830 0380
Facebook Page: Karue Wachira Photography
Twitter Handle: @Qarue

InFocus Photography Exhibition 2015
Exposure Photography Festival Kicks-off around Alberta
February is an exciting month – and even more so now as the much-enjoyed Exposure Photography Festival spreads across the province for the first time. Up to 2015, Exposure was only celebrated in Calgary, Banff and Canmore – but no longer!
Personally, I am thrilled that all of Alberta, particularly our capital region of Edmonton, will have the chance to host exhibitions, artist talks and other programming about photography.
Along with my tireless partner, Aaron Chute, I am curating an exhibit called InFocus. The show will feature Edmonton and area photographers under one roof in the drawing room at Harcourt House. We have such a creative community and this is a fabulous opportunity to show it off!
Not only am I working away at InFocus, but I also have a solo exhibition of my own work, entitled The Quiet Rebuild: New Portraits. These images feature volunteer models from across Canada who have endured struggle and tragedy and yet embody an incredible amount of resiliency. It is truly a pleasure to share the stories of others and be a part of their journey.
Last Chance to enter your Photography in InFocus YEG
Tomorrow – Sunday, November 30, 2014 – is your last chance to enter Infocus Edmonton!
It’s scramble time, people!
Find your best photographs and enter them here.
For more information about InFocus Edmonton, read, “Hot off the Photographic Presses: The InFocus Edmonton Call for Submissions!”
To learn why you should enter for a chance to participate in the exhibition, check out: “15 Reasons Why You Need to Submit”
Visit the InFocus YEG call for submissions and image entry page here.
If you (a) live in Edmonton or in a surrounding area, (b) are a photographer and (c) want to share your work – now is the time! Enter InFocus YEG for a chance to participate in this exciting exhibition.
Happy Halloween & Reminder: Submit your Photography to InFocus YEG
The first month in our call for submissions for InFocus YEG is nearing an end. If you have submitted already, THANK YOU! If not, there is still time. Locate your best pictures and enter them here. Or, if you are inspired by the spooky season, head out with your camera and capture something new. We are excited to see what you have been working on!
Happy Halloween!
Other posts about InFocus Edmonton:
15 Days into our Call for Submissions and 15 Reasons Why You Need to Submit
Q&A To Help Prepare Your InFocus Edmonton Photography Submission
Hot off the Photographic Presses: The InFocus Edmonton Call for Submissions
Exposure Photography Festival Broadens its Scope to include all of Alberta
InFocus Edmonton Call for Submissions
InFocus Edmonton Submission Form
Hot off the Photographic Presses: The InFocus Edmonton Call for Submissions!
On October 1st we launched the Call for Submissions for InFocus Edmonton, or InFocus YEG for short. The submission deadline is November 30, but with Thanksgiving and Halloween in between, the time will slip away quickly. Rummage through your negatives or digital files to find your best images and submit them here!
InFocus YEG strives to exhibit the amazing local talent of Edmonton and area at Harcourt House Artist Run Centre during the month of February 2015 as a part of Exposure Photography Festival. This is the first year that Exposure is province wide and the first time ever Edmonton is included in the creative festivities.
InFocus is an amazing opportunity to exhibit your work in a professional space with province-wide recognition. Plus, we are going to have a rockin’ reception party with a chance to celebrate the photographers that make our city and area distinct.
As a special incentive to enter early, the photograph for the magazine-style Exposure Photography Festival catalogue will be chosen from the images submitted before October 24, 2014! This is a huge opportunity to have your work seen across the province – and likely the country! Don’t wait to submit!
To learn more about InFocus YEG and how to enter your photos, click here.