Moving into Harcourt House, Artist in Residence Studio
It has been a few weeks since I moved in to my studio at Harcourt House where I will be creating art for the next year.

My hubby carrying in our baby play pen for my very young art collaborator.
Moving day:
My husband’s vehicle was full of log stumps and a love seat given to me by a sweet friend (the couch for sitting, the stumps for art projects). I had bags of random supplies, wood glue, paint brushes, and sketch and inspiration books that I hauled in while wearing my newborn in the baby backpack. My three year old said she was going to help, but only managed to bounce around the room with excited energy.

I inherited some furniture.
“Mommy’s studio!” she screamed and I was thankful someone really understood how exciting this opportunity is for me. I so love my jubilant girl.

My family.
I unlocked the wooden door and walked in, took a deep breath and saw beyond the white washed walls to my vision of the art that rumbles deep within me.
“It is beginning,” I thought to myself and I couldn’t help but smile.

The history of previous tenants.
Since November 1st:
Harcourt House’s Artist in Residence position has been the longtime fulfillment of a dream I’ve cherished since a child; the passion for my art growing into something larger than myself in an environment of inspiration.
So far I have a handful of works in progress – all wood based and in keeping with my theme of re-growth and rebirth, the starting over that many of us must begin in the face of life’s sometimes unfortunate circumstances. For me, it was the death of my son. For you – I would like to hear what challenges you have battled to overcome.

Encouragement written on the wall above my door.
I found my voice through creating art after my loss and my work, though not specifically about my story, is a picture of the resilience and determination that is required if we are going to make our lives the brilliant creations that they are capable of becoming.
I will be taking some photos of my works in progress and will share where I am at throughout the year here on my blog. Subscribe to receive my posts via email. Keep in touch! I’d love to hear from you!

This is where I’ll be.