
Why Aaron and I tried out for Amazing Race Canada – AGAIN

It is that time of year again – yes, Christmas but also casting time for Amazing Race Canada.

The casting call for Amazing Race Canada is out and they are accepting team applications and videos until December 26, 2013 at 11:59pm ET. What a way to say “Happy Boxing Day!”

People often ask me, “Did you and Aaron apply again?”

The answer is a resounding, “YES! Of course!”

When I heard about the casting call my heart sped up and my feet itched to hit the mat. I’m a competitive person by nature, determined and persistent to a fault. Of course I applied and will continue to apply until the producers realize that I was made for the Amazing Race and it for me.

I have some friends who scoff at reality TV but as silly as it sounds, being a participant is a huge dream of mine. My fingers are crossed that this is my time.

So why exactly did Aaron and I apply again? There are lots of reasons:

  • We love traveling.
  • We love each other.
  • We love being competitive.
  • We know there is nothing we cannot achieve together.

After our son Zachary died in 2010, our marriage faced the greatest test. The statistics for couples that divorce after child loss are extremely high. Yet we have made it through. This is not to say that everything is roses and rainbows but we have grown stronger because of what we have been through and I truly know that no obstacle could ever compare. To run the race with my husband would be so special.

We also want to run the race for Zachary and our two living children. I would love to show our kids how strong their mom is and for Zachary, I want to experience as many adventures as I can on his behalf.

Hopefully this year we will get good news come decision time!

Has anyone else submitted their video?