InFocus: Opening Party & Portfolio Reviews
InFocus Photo Exhibit & Award is open to the public! Visit The Front Gallery to see this amazing show. I am so proud to curate InFocus and I love seeing how it is propelling photographers’ careers forward and engaging people in the dialogue about why photography matters. I believe photography is art. This is something I’ve always promoted – and defended. The Front Gallery owner, Rachel Bouchard, is on the same page (and the gallery looks great adorned in photos, btw).
Photography is a dynamic, impassioned and powerful creative medium. Not to be ignored.
If you are in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada this Thursday, February 9 – come out to the InFocus Photo opening party! And come back again on Friday night for the portfolio reviews. Here is more info about both of these awesome events:
InFocus Opening Reception:
Thursday, February 9, 2017
6 – 9 pm
The Front Gallery
12323 – 104th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta
Curator Talk & InFocus Photo People’s Choice Award presentation – 7pm
InFocus Portfolio Reviews:
Portfolio Review Date:
Friday, February 10, 2017
6:30-9:30 PM
Registration: $40+GST
Students. Enthusiasts. Amateurs. Professionals. ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS WELCOME!
We have a rock star line-up of reviewers ready to bestow their wealth of knowledge and experience to all portfolio review participants.
Reviewers include: Larry Louie, Curtis Trent, Akemi Matsubuchi, and yours truly, Alexis Marie Chute.
Bring printed photographs, a bound portfolio or images on your laptop or tablet. The reviewers will look at your work, give feedback on how to make it better or how to promote yourself – or anything else you may be wondering about with your photography.
One registration will give you ten (10) minutes with each of our four talented and generous photographers in a speed-dating style review.
Here is more info about InFocus:
MISSION: To promote and exhibit innovative, thoughtful, and provocative photography created by CANADIAN contemporary image makers.
INFOCUS PHOTO is an annual exhibition that began in 2015. In it’s first year, the show took place at Harcourt House Artist Run Centre and featured Edmonton and area photographers. In the second year, InFocus expanded to celebrate the best photography from across Alberta, showcased at dc3 Art Projects. Now, in its third year, InFocus has fulfilled its mission of welcoming submissions from ALL Canadian photographers. This year, the curated show will be mounted in The Front Gallery.
InFocus is one of the major photographic surveys of Canadian-made imagery.
InFocus presents the current cultural climate in photography within our nation.

Photo by Vanessa Tignanelli. GUELPH, Ont. (30/06/16) – Julian Holman, known in Guelph, Ont. as “the pigeon guy”, is a friendly but strongly-opinionated homeless man with a unique relationship to a bird named Ffögeli. Julian has a brilliant mind, but he psychoanalyzes society so meticulously that he can only exist as a critic, choosing to live on the outside of society rather than be a contributing member. Julian has been living on the streets of Guelph since 2013 when he moved from Germany to pursue a love that would eventually break his heart. It seems he has dealt with pain by turning every human emotion into a crippling string of theories. “You can’t deal with things unless you understand them. Once you understand them you are detached. They are no longer things that involve you, they are things to observe. It’s there in the Vedas, the miraculous capabilities of human consciousness,” he says. Recently Julian has been squatting in an abandoned house near downtown, hoping to have shelter this winter, though police have been monitoring him and Ffögeli since kicking him out once already.
Here is the line-up of InFocus 2017 Photographers:
Hedy Bach
Wes Bell
Lauren Dary
Al Dixon
Gerry Dotto
Greg Gerla
Andy Greening
Laura Grier
Aidan Guerra
Chan Hawkins
Joshua Jensen
Candace Makowichuk
Ann Mansolino
Drew May
Deborah Naoum
Rob Pohl
Marko Radovanovic
JT Rehill
Steve Ricketts
Murray Sugden
Anne Tapler White
Vanessa Tignanelli
Curtis Trent
Kevin Tuong
Henry VanderSpek
Peter Young
InFocus 2017 Photographer Hedy Bach
I love sharing the work of other talented artists, writers, musicians and, of course, photographers. Today is a special guest post by one of the 2017 InFocus Photo photographers. I am pleased to introduce Hedy Bach! I first got to know Hedy and her photography two years ago when she submitted and showed her photography at our 2015 InFocus Photo Exhibit and Award. Hedy is a “sloppy Buddhist” and an inspirational woman in the arts. Below you will find a unique guest blog post, entirely in poem, writing about photography. On that note, I pass this post over to Hedy!
i photograph daily
i write daily
i upload images daily
i use adobe lightroom & photo apps
and i try to work mainly in camera
i play with my fujx100s & iphone 6
rarely do i go anywhere without a camera
i like small carry-around cameras
ones i can wear like a necklace
i like to feel obscure
i appreciate tripods but rarely use them
in 2011 i began to photograph with intention
before that i made snapshots
as a girl i was always looking
i learned about the surveyed and surveyors
i studied the place of the photograph
i became a visual researcher
i taught fine arts curriculum to education students
and as a researcher i worked with images and story
social justice issues, human rights, and visual ethics matter deeply to me

line up ~ Edmonton, Alberta ~ 2016 by Hedy Bach
when i started my blog
i wanted to compose posts with my images
i wanted to be behind a camera
try another way of visual story telling
every day i began to photograph beauty with intention
beauty that can be consoling, disturbing, sacred, profane;
it can be exhilarating, appealing, inspiring, chilling.

couple ~ Edmonton, Alberta ~ 2016 by Hedy Bach
i’m self-taught
i learn from
poets, etc.
mostly i learn along the way
i love
in ordinary everyday life
i am a member of two local photography clubs
i attend workshops, talks and competitions
i take free on line learning
i have one to one lessons with photography friends
i continue learning about the taking and making of photography.

resting ~ Lisbon, Portugal ~ 2016 by Hedy Bach
i enjoy street photography
i like people
i like walking and talking with people
it’s enlivening
and i love wandering urban environments

open ~ Dorothy, Alberta ~ 2016 by Hedy Bach
i also love to be alone
walk my dogs
in early mornings just after dark
my magic hour
i love the land
being outside
in a room without a roof

Physalis peruviana ~ Edmonton, Alberta ~ 2016 by Hedy Bach
i photograph in my home
i don’t need to be away to find beauty
of course i enjoy being in front of something different
being in various spaces and places
i am grateful for the opportunities that having a camera has given me.
by hedy
me elsewhere
hedy bach;s alberta
Hedy Bach’s Street Photography: A verb…
Hedy Bach
Deadline Tomorrow to Enter PhotoEd Platform
The deadline to enter your photography to PhotoEd Platform is tomorrow – Friday, November 18! This is a unique opportunity for Canadian photographers. I am passionate about the creative community in this country, and I’m proud to be a jury member for PhotoEd Platform.
Here is a little about PhotoEd Platform:
The PhotoEd Platform project is a new, and innovative extension of a traditional print publication that will build on the editorial mandate of PhotoEd magazine; to promote and inspire new Canadian contemporary photography production and dialogue.
Here is a little description about the theme:
Images accepted by the Jury will become part of the premiere collection on the PhotoEd Platform titled ‘Nourish’. Jury members list can be found at: Photographers may submit up to 5 images for consideration.
Submit images that NOURISH.
Share what nourishes the body, mind and spirit. This theme allows photographers to share their creative interpretations on what nourishment means to them as creatives.
Consider the connections viewers will have with this theme, and how sharing your work in this context will literally and directly promote the facilitation of nutritional aid within your communities.
How the photographs will be promoted:
Images in the collection will be available for public sale on the platform as:
- High-res images available for commercial license. Images are available for commercial/ editorial use. License fees will vary according to usage. Profits from commercial license sales are divided equally between the PhotoEd Platform & the artist.
- High quality 11x14inch fine art prints. (estimated price $100.) Profits from print sales are divided equally between the PhotoEd Platform & the artist.
- Low-res digital images for PERSONAL use as desktop/ mobile wallpaper. 100% of the profits from these sales will be donated to FOODBANKS CANADA. ($5./ image downloaded)
Here is a full list of the jury/reviewers:
Liz Sullivan / Maclean’s Magazine/ Director of Photography
Natalie MacNamara/ NAMARA represents
Andrew Tolson/ Editor-in-Chief, Video/ Rogers Media, Publishing Division
Raff Melito & Julie Belanger/ Junction Reps & Full Serve Productions
Nuno Silva / Stocksy United
Thomas Bouquin / enRoute Magazine
Adam Snellings / Art Director, Branded Content
Derek Shapton / Westside Studio – Photographer
Dolores Gubasta / KlixPix Photo Agency
Ruth Alves / Art Director
Alexis Marie Chute / Curator
Jean-Francois Proulx / Direction artistique + collaboration graphique
Janetta Dancer/ Art Manager/Simon and Schuster /Publishing – NYC
Click here for more info and to submit to PhotoEd Platform.
First of all, the team at InFocus is delighted that PhotoEd Magazine will be publishing a feature on InFocus Photo Exhibit & Award in the new year!
- The curation process is underway.
- All photographers will hear back from us by the end of November at the latest regarding their submission.
- Many talented photographers entered! We feel incredibly honoured to be able to exhibit and promote the work of so many photographers in our country!
- More updates coming soon.
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