
Grand Finale: Bridge Songs Ten

Bridge Songs has always been an exciting event. I LOVE how it merges different creative mediums together. It has music. It has visual art. It has poetry.

Bridge Songs has run an entire decade! This year, Bridge Songs Ten, is the grand finale. What a ride!

Bridge Songs TEN Banner

Here is some info about this year’s exhibition and show:

June 18, 2016  –  7PM to 10PM

St.Faith’s Anglican, 11725-93 Street, Edmonton, AB

#15 advance tickets, $20 at the door

The Songwriters

Brook Biggin
Cynthia Hamar
Dan Sabo
Daniel Mantai
Jennifer Wilde
Kristin Kajorinne
Lora Jol
Von Bieker
Venessa B
Spencer Ford


The Visual Artists

Aaron Vanimere
Alexis-Marie Chute
Kayla Muth
Kris Friesen
Julie Drew

Lori Anne Youngman
Lucile Frost
Marcie Rohr

Tianna Mapstone
Wenda Salomons


The Poets

Bernice Caligiuri
Mary Pinkoski
Darrell Muth
Stephen Berg

2016-04-19-BridgeSongsTen Logo

Check out Bridge Songs Ten online by clicking here.

Visit the Bridge Songs EVENT on Facebook by clicking here.



Dear Edmonton

I want to share an artsy event with you called Dear Edmonton. It’s a creative mash-up with an inspirational flavor and its happening this June. Many of my friends and fellow artists are organizing and participating; Dave Von Bieker, Omar Reyes, Adam Tenove, Julie Drew, Marcie Rohr and many others. I’m happy to support them.

Here are the details:

Bridge Songs, Dear Edmonton

Bridge Songs is an annual community arts event in Edmonton, Alberta, CAN blending original music (a recorded album and live performances) with visual art, poetry and short films around a central theme.

This year’s event, Bridge Songs: Dear Edmonton, runs June 14, 2014, at The Anglican Parishes of St. Faith’s and St. Stephen the Martyr (11725 93st). The event starts at 7:00 pm and costs $10 in advance, $15 at the door. Click here for tickets.

Check out the cheeky yet sweet video about Dear Edmonton:

Jump into the conversation: Take part creating this event with a simple post on social media tagged #dearEdmonton.

What’s your #DEAREDMONTON?