Tomorrow is Halloween and also the deadline for InFocus Photo Exhibit. If you are wise, young grasshopper, you will enter your photography for consideration in InFocus today. On the other hand, what is more haunting and terrifying than waiting till the last minute to submit?
Halloween for InFocus Photo Exhibit

It’s obvious you work hard for your photography…
I can see it now: Photographers running from their computers, entering their images, to their door as the doorbell rings, children chanting, “Trick or treat! Give me something good to eat!”
Whenever you enter is great – as long as you do. If the urge is there, it’s important. If you want to get your work off your computer and onto a gallery’s walls, make the time. If you believe the project you have been working on in secret is finally ready, please share it with us.

The smile on this guy’s face cracks me up. He’s super proud of himself.
One of the things I love the most about InFocus is the passion and community that grows out of an exhibition like this. Where there is passion and innovative work, everyone benefits. Both the maker and the viewers. Community is also invaluable. Life is short and its way more fun to have other photographer friends.
Here is some info about InFocus and how to submit. We on the InFocus Team look forward to receiving your submission. Curation begins in November. I’m excited! The air is changing – winter is coming and so too is this awesome group exhibit.

I think you can tell by now that I had a lot of fun googling photographer costumes!
MISSION: To promote and exhibit innovative, thoughtful, and provocative photography created by Alberta’s contemporary image makers.
WHEN: February 1 – 29, 2016
WHERE: DC3 Art Projects (10567 111 St) commercial gallery in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Click here to visit the InFocus Photo Exhibit page.
Click here to submit your photography to InFocus.
Like InFocus Photo on Facebook.
Follow InFocus on Twitter: @infocusphotoCAN

When I think about it, a photographer dressing up as a photographer for Halloween is kind of silly. It’s like a dentist dressing up as a dentist. It’s like a garbage man trick or treating as a garbage man. The whole idea of Halloween is to be someone (or something) different!
Enjoy all the sweets! And good luck with your submissions!