I need your help – today!
Do dreams come true?
Disney would tell us so…
I’ve always been a dreamer – and things like failure or COVID-19 can’t stop me.
I’ve been dreaming for years about becoming a bestselling author and I’m just foolish enough to believe that it is possible for me. It’s scary to share this dream. It brings up fears that I’ll put myself out there, only to fail very publicly.
Well, that’s a possibility, certainly. However, if I don’t try, I’ll never know. If I don’t try, my failure is guaranteed.
This logic leads me to do the illogical.
I am going to be a bestselling author.
I’m going to repeat this so that I can hear it again and let the seed of hope which is that declaration take root in my heart.
I am going to be a bestselling author.
This is the journey that I am on and I am making a focused effort over the next few months to make this dream a reality.
This is where you come in! Yay! Do you want to be a part of this with me? (Please say yes, because I could really use your help!!)

Alexis Marie Chute in her space suit for World Space Week and Read-In Week, holding book one in her fantasy series The 8th Island Trilogy, called Above the Star.
Did you say yes to helping??
You did?!?!?
Hooray!! THANK YOU!!!
(Can you tell I’m excited?)
Okay, glad you’re on board!!
Below I’ll outline the game plan and how we are going to keep score.
My Game Plan:
It’s quite simple:
- Months of preparation and planning : )
- It’s like playing chess, figuring out how all the parts come together and executing the plan.
- Lower the cost of the e-book of my novel Above the Star to 99¢
- This is win-win. People read for cheap & I can sell more books.
- Share the sale with people
- Social media
- On my blog
- On book sites
- By email
- Word of mouth
- Keep it up for a window of time
- I’ve got a few concentrated dates: April 5, April 6, and May 5
- Record the results
- See below for my thoughts on bestseller lists and tracking Amazon rankings.
- Sleep!
- I am working so hard because I believe in this dream. I love my stories and want to share them with the world. I do believe dreams come true. I’m crossing my fingers and toes, but also putting in the work. ALL THE HARD WORK. I’ll rest later.
How you can help!!
1. Buy the e-book. Act today. The only way this is going to work is if we concentrate all our efforts into this small, concentrated period of time.
If you or someone you know would enjoy a fantasy adventure, please buy Above the Star e-book.
If you like the Netflix series Lost in Space, you’ll enjoy Above the Star because it’s also a family adventure; please buy Above the Star e-book.
If you are bored at home and want an escape where you don’t have to leave your couch, please buy Above the Star e-book.
If you simply want to play a part in helping an indie author’s dream of becoming a bestseller come true, please buy Above the Star e-book.
How to Order:
99¢ E-Book Sale: Above the Star, book one in The 8th Island Trilogy by Alexis Marie Chute
2. Spread the News!!
Here is some shareable info about Above the Star:
Above the Star is an epic fantasy adventure experienced through the eyes of three unlikely heroes transported to a new dimension. In this otherworldly realm, all interests are at war, all love unrequited, and everyone is left to unravel the truth of who they really are.
— US Review of Books
— Motherbooker Review
— Forward Reviews
When frumpy senior citizen Archie goes in search of his missing son he stumbles upon a higher mission: locating a magical cure for his ailing fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Ella. Using a portal-jumping device, Archie and a stone-headed creature are transported to a magnificent yet terrifying island in a connected realm. What they find on Jarr-Wya is an island tortured by a wicked Star anchored in the sea, and a raging three-way battle for dominion.
Love, monsters, magic, and a dose of girl power. An epic fantasy adventure experienced through the eyes of 3 unlikely heroes: 14 year old Ella, her mom Tessa, and frumpy grandpa Archie. “WEAVES STAR WARS-LIKE CHARACTERS WITH A WONDER-LIKE MESSAGE TO FORM AN ENRAPTURING READ FOR BOOKLOVERS OF ALL AGES.” -US Review of Books. 5/5 Readers Favorite. “Fast and bizarre” -Forward Reviews. Hybrid novel series.
Buy Above the Star e-book on:
- Sunday, April 5 (First Choice)
- Monday, April 6 (2nd Choice)
- Tuesday, May 5 (3rd Choice)
Purchase links:
Ebook: NOOK | Kindle (USA) | Kindle (CAN) | Kobo | Google Play
Here is the link for my “Read-Aloud” where I read the first chapter of Above the Star on my YouTube Channel:
Here is the link for my “Book Trailer + Music Video” for the trilogy:
8th Island Trilogy Book Trailer Music Video: Books by Alexis Marie Chute, Music by Moonshine Mamas
Here are some graphics you can use in your social media posts.
Click on the images below to save and share.
Tracking the Bestsellers:
There are multiple lists that track bestsellers:
- The New York Times Bestsellers
- Amazon Bestsellers in Books
- Amazon Bestsellers in the Kindle Store
- Publishers Weekly Bestsellers
- Barns and Noble Bestsellers
- B&N Top 100: Bestselling NOOK Books
- USA Today Bestsellers
However, with COVID-19 causing Amazon to focus on only shipping essential products and most (if not all) bookstores closed, I am going to focus on the lists that include e-books. Specifically:
Plus, I’m going to track my book’s ranking on Amazon.
With launching the 99¢ E-BOOK SALE and starting promotions, I’ve already seen a notable jump in the Amazon rankings for Above the Star!!!
Follow along with me!! It’s quite exciting!!
Here’s what I’ve recorded:
April 4, 2020
Amazon.com Above the Star E-Book Stats:
#1,473,581 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#1159 in Teen & Young Adult Epic Fantasy eBooks
#2151 in Teen & Young Adult Epic Fantasy
#1667 in Teen & Young Adult Survival Stories eBooks
April 5, 2020 – NOON
Amazon.com Above the Star E-Book Stats:
#263,925 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#501 in Teen & Young Adult Epic Fantasy eBooks
#824 in Teen & Young Adult Epic Fantasy
#525 in Teen & Young Adult Survival Stories eBooks
April 5, 2020 – 2:20pm
Amazon.com Above the Star E-Book Stats:
#7,785 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#38 in Teen & Young Adult Survival Stories
#49 in Teen & Young Adult Paranormal Romance
#28 in Teen & Young Adult Survival Stories eBooks
(The smaller the number = the better!! Goal to be in the top 100.)
What these initial numbers show is that we’re on the right track! Now to keep up the efforts : )
This is crunch time. It is an exciting time, one full of nervous energy and the great unknown.
I truly appreciate you reading this blog post. Thank you for helping me on this journey. Thank you for buying an e-book and helping spread the word. My success is your success; we are in this together.
I will continue to track progress today and over the next few days and weeks, keeping you posted here in my blog. I am not sure what to expect, and I am a little scared to hope, but I am cautiously optimistic.
I am beyond grateful.