Artsy Mondays
Thanks for joining me for Artsy Mondays! I love sharing the art, illustrations, photos, and more of the creatives who are out in the world making visual work. It’s important to me to lift up other creatives, forming community, and building a place where we can find inspiration.
I’m delighted to welcome photographer Nahanni Mckay to Artsy Mondays!
I hope you enjoy the photographer Q&A. Thanks for reading!
Photographer Interview
Nahanni McKay
When did you know you wanted to be a photographer?
Probably while I was getting my undergrad at Emily Carr University of Art & Design. I was accepted for film and media which I applied for because of my initial passion for filming and editing growing up. At school I took a photography course as an elective – not usually one of my interests – and fell in love with the craft of dark room photography. It was a risk already going to art school but it’s even more of a risk going for something you haven’t previously done.

Photo by Nahanni Mckay
Who are the photographers and artists that have had the greatest influence on you and why?
My grandfather opened a camera shop in Banff in 1970 called Arcade Camera. He was not only my biggest influence as a professional photographer, but he also made a huge impact on who I am today as a young adult. He was the kindest most generous person and I want to carry that forward in my work.
I gravitate toward Martin Parr with his unique capture in his series ‘Small World’ Photographing tourism around the world. My other influences are from my mentors who taught me so much about photography, nature and having your own artistic voice; Sandra Semchuk, Ace Kvale, Kelsie Grazier and Susan Clarahan.

Photo by Nahanni Mckay
What is the inspiration behind your photographs?
Growing up in the Canadian Rockies, I am constantly surrounded by unparalleled beauty which in itself lends me my inspiration. Every project I work on, I strive to always keep the land, environment, and wildlife in mind. Banff has become such a hotspot for tourists that it’s ‘wild’ aspect is rapidly deteriorating with the onslaught of constant and high flow visitation. My primary goal for the last few years has been to capture this impact in my work.

Photo by Nahanni Mckay
What was the most unique person or place you’ve photographed?
I photographed so many artists during my practicum at Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity, every artist was so unique in their own way and was all there to make work.
But the most unique place I have ever photographed is Banff during Covid -19 Global Pandemic. Banff closed most non-essential businesses, hiking trails, and visitor services.
It is the oddest experience to have a town filled with people be completely empty. It brings in that sense of community with the locals who band together to help one another get through this tough time. Wildlife have been wandering more into town and in a sense it feels like they are taking over.

Photo by Nahanni Mckay
What advice do you have for aspiring photographers?
Stick with your own style. As long as you have your own creative practice then that’s what makes you unique and stand out amongst other artists and photographers. Instagram can be a great tool and a bad one, don’t pay attention to the photographers with the crisp clean images – make your own practice.

Photo by Nahanni Mckay
If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?
Teleportation, I hate travelling. The less time I get to spend on a plane the better. Also then I could visit so many special places without the hassle of losing luggage!

Photo by Nahanni Mckay
Where is your favorite travel destination?
I love going to spiritual places. The two places I aspire to go to are Haida Gwaii, in British Columbia and Baffin Island, in Nunavut. The most memorable place I have ever been to was when I went to visit my sister in Yukon we drove on the Alaska Highway from Whitehorse to Haines for the eagle festival where we saw thousands of bald eagles. It was truly magical.

Photo by Nahanni Mckay
When you’re not photographing, what are your favorite hobbies?
Skiing, fishing, reading and drinking craft beer with friends. It’s very stereotypical but why else would I choose to live in Banff for this long?
Where are you hoping your photography will take you—personally and professionally?
I want to create the awareness that the tourism industry has in my hometown. I see a lot of people making art showcasing landscapes and how the beauty of the mountains keeps them inspired. But the immense traffic of tourism keeps me inspired to constantly be looking out for those who don’t have a voice here. Such as the animals, trees, mountains, and land – all of which are being heavily affected.
Where can people find you online?
Come check me out on Instagram @nahanster
I also have a website
Word-and-Image: Creative Crossovers
September 16 to November 4, 2020
Books are not only for words and canvases not only for paint. Experience how words and visual art collide to create innovative creative crossovers that touch us on multiple levels. Relationships between words, art, and meaning are explored.
Details and Application
Important Dates:
Apply by Monday, August 10, 2020.
Acceptance confirmation by Monday, August 24, 2020.
Exhibition dates: September 16 – November 4, 2020.
Stay tuned for all my “calls for submissions” for artwork.
Subscribe to my e-newsletter to have these opportunities sent right to you.
The 8th Island Trilogy includes Above the Star, Below the Moon, and Inside the Sun. Over the three books, we follow the adventures of a quirky family, the Wellsleys. The main characters are frumpy senior citizen Archie, his daughter-in-law, Tessa, and his ill fourteen-year-old granddaughter Ella.
Archie, searching for his missing son, accidentally transports his family—and a cruise ship full of people—to a magical planet. There, they uncover the truth: all worlds are dying. Yet hope is not lost. A way to restore all that will soon be destroyed is revealed, along with the realization that Ella will play a role no one could have imagined—especially not her.
On the mysterious island of Jarr-Wya, many races of creatures battle for dominion and magic lurks around every corner. When the world falls dark, that is when bravery must shine the brightest, and the Wellsleys will reveal the strength they never knew they possessed—as well as the power of love to save the day.