From the Urban Dictionary:

All joking aside…
What are you doing with your quarantine life?
Here’s my update for you…
Alexis Marie Chute
Above the Star
I’ve lowered the price of the Above the Star e-book to 99¢. To help people stuck at home (Go on an adventure without leaving the couch).
Bright Side: The book is currently a #1 Bestseller in Canada and in the top 50 in its subcategories in the United States. Please buy a copy (click here) and help spread the word about this sale! On till May 5.
Inside the Sun
Book three in The 8th Island Trilogy comes out in 14 days. Not going to lie, I’m a little stressed. All my book tour events have been canceled due to COVID-19.
Bright Side: I’m planning an AMAZING Virtual Book Tour! AND, you can still purchase and read the book. Please, please, please pre-order Inside the Sun (click here). That will help it launch with a bang!
Expecting Sunshine memoir
I’m worried about bereaved parents during this time when they cannot access in-person support groups or even receive a hug from a friend. Grief is hard and its effects compounded by isolation.
Bright Side: I am open to chatting on the phone or by email with anyone struggling. I do have a stock of books at home that I can ship to anyone (click here to order). Plus, with Mother’s Day coming up (and Int. Bereaved Mother’s Day the Sunday before), I’ve got some support ideas that I will be rolling out soon.
Expecting Sunshine film
The screening that was scheduled for the American College of Nurse Midwives has been cancelled, along with the whole conference.

Some of the Expecting Sunshine documentary film crew (and friends) after receiving a FAVA FEST award.
Bright Side: I’ve got stock if you want a DVD or you can order a digital download (click here). Plus, FAVA (Film and Video Arts Society of Alberta) is launching a VIRTUAL film festival and they’ve asked to screen Expecting Sunshine. I of course said YES! This online festival will happen on FAVA TV sometime in April. I will confirm the date soon. The film will be free online for two weeks.
With all my in-person presentations canceled, I jumped into the virtual world and am offering teaching, author visits, and workshops in new formats.
Bright Side: I’ve put out a VIRTUAL school offering in my shop, plus lowered my school rates for all online-delivered workshops. I can pretty much deliver all kinds of programs this way—easy! Please email me if you have an idea, I love collaborating: info@alexismariechute.com.
My Artwork
This is something that is not really happening right now.
Bright Side: There will be a time for art. I feel it coming, bubbling up in me. I look at this current state of life with COVID-19 like a season of nature. It too shall pass, and a new season will come. I am spending a lot of time with my kids and helping them through their schooling, which is a creative act itself. Check-out WEEK 1 and WEEK 2 of my creative curriculum. The time for art will come. I’m not worried.
New books in the works
I am working on two titles in tandem: Creative Writing for Teens. One book is for teenagers themselves, the other for teachers, parents, and other caregivers. The release date of these titles will likely be delayed.
Creative Writing for Teens: Helping Teenagers Cope with Trauma & Build Resiliency, A Guide for Parents & Teachers
Creative Writing for Teens: Ideas, Inspiration, & Awesome Prompts to Super-Charge Your Writing & Your Life, A Guide for Teenagers
Bright Side: I foresee we all will need mental health support during this prolonged quarantine—and afterwards—and so I hope these resource books will be a welcome balm to comfort and encourage. When the time’s right.
InFocus Photo Exhibit
The show will remain in the Renaissance gallery until it is safe to dismantle the show.
Bright Side: More exposure and promo time for the talented InFocus Photo
Curation at the Multicultural Heritage Centre
I am continuing to pursue my curatorial vision, however all new exhibits will be VIRTUAL.
Bright Side: New exhibits, artists get paid, we all get to see cool new art! Click here for my call for submissions.
Connect with me
This time needn’t feel lonely and uninspired. Please keep up with all I’ve got going on by reading my blog and watching my YouTube channel.